Water, Earth and House Dance!
Act like Water, embrace the ground’s energy and let’s do the “Pas de Bourree” (a Dance Step)! :D
I’m going to throw it back to last month -13th of July 2016- to a Hip Hop culture related event organized by Art Solution and British Council Tunisia that took place in Tunis city, Tag Store, the ultimate place to be for graffiti artists and Hip Hop lovers.
This is one of many dancers’ experiences during the event, follow me and let’s see the kind of lessons we may learn through a House Dance workshop.
I’m the kind of dancers who only vibe on the music they like. So when I’ve checked the event’s Facebook post I was like: HELLO FROM “MY COMFORT ZONE” since I have never danced house steps nor have I tried to learn it online.
Mixed feelings before attending the workshop: Excitement, curiosity and fear.
But once I’ve met our dance teacher or let’s say our dance mentor, Sheila Attah, all of them fears have evaporated and were transformed into fun vibes!
How did it happen? How can someone inspire people and change their energy within 2 hours?
I am going to break it down for you!
WORKSHOP PART 1-FIRST LESSON: “If you ruin the first part of a -Pas de bouree- KEEP GROOVING, don’t stop dancing”
In other words,” If you do one mistake, keep working hard and moving forward towards your dreams”!
It started with a hug and a big smile from Sheila.
You could tell by looking into each dancer’s eyes that they were relaxed as there were positive vibes everywhere with a really warm atmosphere in that wooden café.
The music was put on and we started moving in a circle to bring out our energy, our GROUP energy! Every one of us was following Sheila’s moves and at the same time, we were really amazed and happy to get the amount of positivity she was spreading.
Usually, when you attend a dance class or battle, you may feel a bit anxious for not knowing certain moves or for messing up while dancing, but during that workshop, it was a different feeling that we got, as it was OK to mess up, as you were supposed to mess up, as once you mess up, you should keep going!
One important fact that Sheila was telling us during our -Pas de Bourree- learning process is to embrace our fears of trying a new move. Trust me; it did work as almost all of the dancers who were present mastered it by the end of the workshop.
The second part was more about connecting with our souls and unlocking our creative potential!
Live guitar music, quiet place and soft lightening: It was ROMANTIC, the kind of romance that will lead you to fall in love with the creative, vulnerable person hidden inside of you. We were asked to act like water and embrace the ground’s energy while dancing:
A new and unique dance experience that enhances your creative potential and helps you embrace your flaws while moving!
A quick highlight about my favorite performances during the workshop:
1) Mourad Dridi’s performance-CREATIVITY OVERLOAD:
I enjoyed every second of his freestyle, he wasn’t dancing like water (HE WAS WATER)! He was not only dancing, he was telling us a story through his moves.
2) Nour Ben Soltan (Bgirl Crazy Flava)’s performance-ENERGETIC:
You just can’t stop watching her once she starts dancing, you can’t get bored, she got a different move for every beat and she did fully embrace the ground’s energy during the workshop.
Alternative Vibes was almost a one week event gathering different workshops and amazing artists!
For all those who have attended Skytilz (Popping), Carleen De Sozer (Graffiti) and Kate Scanlan (Creative Business) workshops, make sure to share your experience as well and the kind of lessons you have learned! :D